
Well hat Storage

Be sure your hat is at good before storing.

Do not store a dirty hat!

Remove any stains or dirt

Steam out creases.

Brush your hat if appropriate.

Place hat in a hat box with a lid.

Stuff the crown with tissue...

Either set the hat on its crown, full of tissue... or use enough tissue so your weight with the hat is just not on the brim.

Cardboard rings can be simply made.. a strip about 28 inches long and 6-10 inches high... taped together which means your hat can occur it inverted with all the brim weight having most of how light it is rest around the cardboard and the crown.

Hats of similar shape and sizes might be stacked a few high using tissue in between each hat.

Hats could be wrapped individually in plastic.

Plastic or paper bags with cedar balls or moth balls or perhaps a small bag of lavender may help maintain the moths and also other hat eaters away. Don't let the repellant touch the hat.

Store bows by stuffing tissue inside the bows and put in hat box with lid.

Prop feathers up with tissue paper gently supporting them.

Veilings require tissue to support them in proper shape while storing.

Other decorative embellishments should be covered in tissue to ensure they are from staining the hat.

